Love and holiness

I think we often confuse holiness with righteousness. I mean that is essentially the point behind saying that so-and-so is “holier-than-thou” right? Holiness includes righteousness but it is more than that. Holiness is essentially moral excellence. Moral excellence when it is talked about privately is holiness. Moral excellence when talked about in action, or publicly, or relationally is love. Holiness in action is love. When Jesus says the Great commandment is to love God, and love your neighbor as yourself, and that all the Law and Prophets hang on that command, is it not true that that is the essence of holiness? And when God says, “Be holy as I am holy,” Does He mean any differently than “be loving as I am loving?” Holiness is potential love, love is kinetic holiness.


  1. Since holiness means belonging to God, our holiness reveals who owns us. There are holy times, holy places, and holy names as well as holy people. They all are holy because they belong to God. J.

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