Missing Charlie

This month is eight years of the Homegoing of my friend and spiritual father, Charlie “Tremendous” Jones. You know I quote him a lot. I still think of him often. I don’t wear neck ties, I wear bow ties (if I have to wear a tie) because of that dude. In fact, I have two of his own that he gave to me. I often wear a one of the two when I am preaching. You all know I kid a lot, but I am being serious with you when I say that I have never met in my life someone as wise, as thankful, and as in love with Jesus as Charlie Jones.

Charlie was a best-selling author and speaker. He spoke all over the world and to just about every major corporation there was in his time. He was very sought after for his insights and wisdom on leadership. But one of the curious things about his talk, was that he always shared his testimony.

In this seven minute video, Charlie is answering the question, “What are you going to live your life for?” Charlie’s personal answer is that for him it is not for a what, but a Who.

I hope you do me the honor of taking the time to watch. Trust me, you’ll be glad you did.


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